Friday, March 27, 2009

DD update: Rewards

Well, I am writing again. My brain has slowed down somewhat. I will see how it goes though...

My last attempt to convince D to exercise worked out well. After the discipline session I also offered a reward for good behavior. So tonight we are going out to his favorite restaurant for a meatloaf dinner. His exercise has been consistent and the computer area is now spotless (he mistook "keeping it clean" for "cleaning it every day" but I am inclined to let sleeping schedules lie).

I am going to try a monthly reward schedule with him. A "good boy" spanking will be a default unless he is sore from previous party adventures, but I also talked to him about other things he might want. So far we have meatloaf dinners, building up his music collection one CD at a time, and him being able to get a one month membership to a desired spanking site.

I am sure we will think of other things too. This makes a handy holiday list too, actually.

Of course I will take care of slip ups weekly and restart the reward clock then if needed.

So a question to the audience. Do you use rewards in DD? Do you like to receive them? If you do use them or receive them what are your favorites?

I know there is a difference of opinion on using rewards at all. Some have told me they don't use them because they want the person to do the action for the intrinsic benefit or for the sake of obedience. WRT to M/s relationships and some relationships tending towards D/s I do grok that philosophy. However for D, the things he needs help with are things that we all have trouble being motivated to do from time to time. Spanking or meatloaf helps him--setting a good example for him is helping me (I have a hard time looking him in the eye regarding an exercise dispute if I am not on *my* exercise plan).

Monday, March 23, 2009

It may be a bit before I post again

It won't be long. I am in a bit of a transformative phase right now and I need to simmer more than I need to write. I will be back next month for sure.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I couldn't stand it. I just joined so I am waiting through the 48 hour processing period. D has been getting a bit of work so it was just time. I think joining just after a party is good too. Everyone will be there and I won't be chewing my thumbs off over missing a future party.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Going to Tucson this weekend

My Shadowlane consolation prize is going to end up being this weekend--though it turns out it won't have a whole lot to do with spanking. It will still be a blast. Look at _The Islander_ for a hint and stay tuned for a report there if you dare ;-). Next weekend I will be less busy--though I am doing a paddling demo for an SM 101 at one of our BDSM groups.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Judicial CP vs CP

This came up tonight and I realized that there *is* a difference in my mind. So I posted about it over at _The Islander_.

I turned word verification off

I am not sure why I had it on to begin with. I think I overlooked it when I set up this blog. "fackjar" was a bit over the top...

You can't make this stuff up

I shouldn't post today--I still have brain fog/irritability. But I am bored. Too sick to go to work (esp where I work) but not sick enough to be flat on my back in bed. So I will take my chances...

Anyhow, the dinner I referenced yesterday was very interesting. We went to a Sushi/Teppenyaki restaurant and reserved a Teppenyaki table. For anyone who has not gone to a Teppenyaki restaurant it is basically a combination of cooking and performance art. You sit family style at a table that contains a grill in the center. After you order a cook comes up and cooks your meal in front of you. It starts with the obligatory fireball that nearly sears off your eyebrows, then a little spatula drumming and juggling, and various antics with the food. This cook/performer had a gift with eggs. He could toss raw ones in the air and catch them on a metal spatula without cracking them.

So my techie spanko friend is the disciplinarian/mentor for a young female friend of the family. I will call her "M". Anyhow M was sitting next to me on one side, D on the other side. The techie spanko friend was there too with her husband. Anyhow, the cook comes up and start juggling eggs. One slipped and cracked on the grill and he said "I am going to have to spank that."

Yeah, you can imagine the reaction that got, esp. out of M. We were all hooting (somewhat to the puzzlement of the other family there) but M turned about 11 shades of red and tucked her head.

Well, this performer now had his act cut out for him and he ran away with it. He dropped another egg on purpose and stated he would have to spank that too (now M was 14 shades of red). He kept up a monologue of various things, catching eggs in his hat, juggling the spice containers, then threw a piece of chicken breast out on the grill.

"Spank that chicken. Who your daddy??" he exclaimed in an oriental accent as he proceeded to whack the chicken breast with his spatula. More juggling--the fried rice got put on plates and he asked the other family how they would like their steak done. They put in their orders and then he put the steak on the grill.

"Spank that steak!! Who your Daddy?? Now you spank that steak!!"

He handed the spatula off to M and kept asking her to spank the steak!!

She gave it a half hearted whack. I was howling myself at this point and could not longer contain myself, so I said "Spank that steak! You know you want to! You know you have it in you! Spank it or I will have to!!"

M gave me this look, sighed, and gave the steak a good whack.

"Very good! That how spank a steak!"

It took us all awhile to calm down enough to eat. I wonder what the conversation was like for the other family when they drove home.

No, you really can't make this stuff up.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

D is OK...

He is an extremely heavy CP bottom. He is known in Phoenix for it. I definitely check my force with anyone else. Today--no marks except for some minor ones on his far sweet spot.

And yes, we will move on to other non-CP things if this does not work...

EDIT: part of why he got so many paddle strokes is because our friend *gave* us a rebuilt CPU (well, we bartered but it will take me time to work off my end of the barter). She was not amused to find the area had not been cleaned and no follow up initiated. If I had purchased one it would have been a different story from her end.

DD log

First of two posts about yesterday...

OK--last week was a rough one for D and I and he got off track on his exercise. I did not.

We went to a dungeon party yesterday after having some dinner with friends. Now, on my way to the dinner I notified him that he had 4 cane strokes coming for failing to exercise.

Then I realized something else. My hard drive did fail last week. The computer spanking episode was it's last gasp. It stayed on after that until I could arrange repairs. I have a spanko techie friend who came over Thursday to have a look. Basically the thing was DOA and would not turn on after we put it back together. Yes, my data got backed up before we turned it off.

Anyhow, we noticed that the CPU case was full of dust. Upon looking for the cause of said dust we noticed dust all over the desk and around it. D came in at that point and my friend notified him that he had an assignment to get rid of that dust. D agreed...

...And failed to tell me that he did not completely understand the assignment. He therefore failed to do it.

So as I was assessing him for 4 strokes I realized this and tacked a 5th stroke on.

Well, the friends we went to dinner with is actually the family of my spanko techie friend. This subject did come up, and she decided she needed to discipline him herself after my caning with 25 strokes from a very large, very holey frat style paddle.


Now, the reason I only assessed 5 strokes was because I realized in practicing the judicial caning that I had more ability with a cane than I realized. I can't do the 360 degree throw with a 4 ft cane safely quite yet but I certainly can with a 2 ft cane. That alone was no joke. I had ("had" being the key word here) 2 inexpensive everyday canes that became the "sacrifice". Both exploded on their second stroke leaving me with one more--which I did with a longer, much nicer cane my friend offered to me. That last stroke, D reported, was the most severe he has ever received. The man has a kevlar caboose--so I was impressed this got through to him.

He received quite the paddling from both of us afterwards.

When I am better I am going to rummage around and find that old discipline log I made last September. D needs more discipline than I thought and I need to start keeping track of it.

Judicial Caning II

I have a lot to post about from yesterday, but I am nursing some sort of bug (not a good one). So I am going to have to wait until later in the week before I will have the energy to give this stuff the justice it deserves. However, here is a short one for today.

I am starting to piece together this judicial caning deal. I looked around the Internet for video and found some useful stuff. I found some approaches to throwing the cane that will work better for me than taking a step. I also found that anything up to about 5 strokes (assuming they don't all land on the same spot) is within the realm of what your average heavy bottom can tolerate. That and I will never cane as hard as a male 10 years my junior. So while plenty of precautions have to be made in regards to intense practice and protecting the bottom, this seems doable. Apparently the very devastating pics one sees comes from 12-24 stroke canings. The first strokes cause welts and a bit of an abrasion wound--it is the second and third overlapping strokes that removes hide. Given the size of the cane relative to the backside about 6 is all that will fit there if the caner is extraordinarily skilled. After that overlaps are expected.

Anyhow, the fact that this seems doable is a good thing because I already have 3 bottoms asking for it and I am sure there is a 4th who will be hitting me up as soon as she hears about it. This thing is taking on a life of its own.

The idea of practicing every day seems good. Of all the implements out there I am finding that the cane speaks to me most of all--even more than the singletail (which is powerful enough for me in it's own right).

Now I need to construct a better cover for my martial arts target. I am thinking of using a largish pair of thrift store jeans. I can cut off most of the legs, make good use of some heavy sewing thread and then fill it up with sand. My biggest challenge will be hitting both cheeks evenly--so I need simulated cheeks. Later I will figure out how to create a kidney/wrap guard from some foam rubber and sturdy fabric. I like what the Malaysians use so I will reproduce that.

I will have to say--I do bottom to ordeal scenes on occasion but I think I'll pass on this particular one and keep to my hooks. I have found the limit to my "experience what you inflict" philosophy for sure. Anyone who bottoms to me on this is going to have to first prove their fortitude on a few different occasions before I will consent (and yes, the 4 bottoms I have in mind already have).